Saturday, 11 June 2011

Images of Buffer Zone

Entrance to Armory Gallery

Entrance to Armory Gallery

Armory Gallery

Armory Building

Allan Giddy & Atanas Djonov Shedding (inside Out) 2011

Mark Brown Barricade Radio 2011

Sarah Iremonger Hochsitze Hunting Boxes 2003 - 2011

Sarah Iremonger HochsitzeHunting Boxes 2003 - 2011 (detail)

Sarah Iremonger Hochsitze / Hunting Boxes 2003 - 2011

Ian Howard HMAS Teal - as Scatter Pattern 1977 - 2011

Ian Howard HMAS Teal - as Scatter Pattern 1977 - 2011

Foreground Jon Gilles Postcript 2007
Background Peter Woodford-Smith Terra Suit

Annette Mangaard Hidden 2011

Foreground Annette Mangaard Hidden 2011
Sarah Iremonger HochsitzeHunting Boxes 2003 - 2011

Deirdre Nelson Military Hybrid 2011

Deirdre Nelson Military Hybrid 2011 (detail)

Pia Mánnikkó Still Live 2001

Helen Sturgess Gull 'n' Chips 2011


  1. Congratulations Sarah Iremonger! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.
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  2. Hey!! Thanks a lot dear for sharing this info here. I am so happy to go through these art work shown in pics. Couple days back I attended one art exhibition arranged at one of New York Event Venues. It was so good to see incredible art work there.
